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DeafKidz International Charity Golf Day — 6th June 2024

We’re excited to announce our latest event… DeafKidz International Charity Golf Day!

Open to individuals and teams of all abilities, we will be hosting the event at Dyke Golf Club, Brighton on Thursday 6th June.
đŸŒïžâ€â™€ïžPutt your name down today!

Click here to sign up

What’s included?
  • Tea, coffee, and bacon rolls on arrival
  • 18-hole course with a shotgun start
  • Prizes for ‘nearest the pin’ and ‘longest drive’
  • Raffle
  • Post-round food

Funds raised from the event go towards the crucial work and projects of DeafKidz International, helping us support deaf children around the world.

We also have various sponsorship opportunities available. ‘Fore’ further details, get in touch.

Celebrating our DeafKidz Goal! Programme in Nagpur, India

In 2019, DeafKidz International and Slum Soccer forged a strong partnership, catalysing a 3-year pilot initiative in Nagpur named DeafKidz Goal!, generously funded by Comic Relief. The programme’s primary objective was to dismantle barriers, foster inclusivity, and secure equal opportunities for deaf boys and girls. It empowered them with essential life skills, notably safety, within the framework of football.

The project adopted a holistic and inclusive strategy, training local deaf adults to become football coaches. These coaches, in turn, delivered life skills training sessions to deaf youth in their first language, Indian Sign Language, utilizing football as a medium.

Key highlights and the impact of DeafKidz Goal

Watch Tayyaba’s story

DeafKidz Goal! Dissemination Event

Photo of DeafKidz Goal participants and coaches

To mark the end of this successful programme, Slum Soccer hosted a dissemination event in Nagpur on 19th October 2023, to share the incredible impact of the programme, bring together participants, community members, funders and key stakeholders and celebrate their achievements. DeafKidz International’s Senior Programmes Lead, Jaz Mann, and Communications and Fundraising Manager, Tanya D’souza were delighted to attend the event.

The dissemination event, expertly organised by Slum Soccer, was distinctly deaf led, with the active involvement of the deaf youth in setting up the event and being an integral part of the event activities. The event itself stood as a testament to the project’s success, showcasing the profound integration of the deaf community. Notably, the number of interpreters has increased from zero at the project’s inception to four interpreters at the current event, marking a significant milestone for inclusion of deaf children and young people in Nagpur.

Guests were welcomed to the event with an opening performance of the Indian National Anthem in Indian Sign Language. Slum Soccer’s CEO, Dr. Abhijeet Barse, inaugurated the event, highlighting the organisation’s journey and how the DeafKidz Goal programme developed to become an integral part of Slum Soccer’s work, and the impact of training deaf football coaches, subsequently imparting knowledge to deaf youth.

Deaf youth singing the Indian National Anthem

Dr Abhijeet Barse, CEO of Slum Soccer

Following Abhijeet’s address, the deaf youth leaders performed a fantastic dance, which showcased their talent which was a testament to how much their confidence has grown through being part of DeafKidz Goal.

Jaz Mann, DKI’s Senior Programme Lead, delivered a presentation, elucidating the genesis of DeafKidz Goal, emphasising key impacts on deaf youth through case studies and a summary of the evaluation report.Sajid Jamal, Program Manager of Slum Soccer then took to the stage to outline all the key achievements of the DeafKidz Goal team and the incredible progress the deaf leaders and deaf youth have made over the past 4 years.

Jaz Mann, Senior Programmes Lead, DKI

Testimonials from two of DeafKidz Goal youth leaders, Vijaydas and Suman, further articulated the impact of the programme. This was a key highlight of the evening seeing them take to stage and share their stories.After all the incredible performances and presentations, Jaz and Sajid took to the stage together to outline the next steps for DeafKidz Goal and our call for further support needed to continue this programme in new locations in India to reach more deaf youth.

Sajid Jamal, Program Manager, Slum Soccer

Deaf youth leader Vijaydas

Deaf youth leaders dance

Deaf youth leader Suman

The event was then closed by Professor Vijay Barse, Founder of Slum Soccer who gave a wonderful closing speech sharing his thoughts on the success of the programme and he thanked the DeafKidz Goal team for all their hard work and accomplishments.

The dissemination event was a wonderful opportunity to see the impact of the programme and to witness first hand testimonies from the deaf youth to truly demonstrate the the positive change DeafKidz Goal has made in Nagpur. The networking following the presentations sparked promising discussions regarding the potential expansion of the programme to different regions in India, as we hope to secure future funding to train more deaf coaches and reach more deaf youth.

Slum Soccer Founder, Professor Vijay Barse

Prof. Vijay Barse with the Slum Soccer team

What’s next for DeafKidz Goal?

While the project has reached its culmination, the enduring dedication of Slum Soccer and DeafKidz International persists. The success of this pilot in Nagpur has demonstrated the significant impact DeafKidz Goal made on the lives of deaf youth and we are keen to continue and replicate this programme in new regions in India.

If you are interested in supporting future programmes for DeafKidz Goal, please get in touch with us at

The DeafKidz Goal staff, coaches and youth leaders at the dissemination event in October 2023

After receiving evidence of the amazing results from the last 4 years’ achievements, and deaf children’s lives transformed, it is time for us to source and secure further funding to scale the initiative to other cities around India, reaching hundreds more deaf children and young people!’
— Jaz Mann, Senior Programme Lead

Thank you

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible partner Slum Soccer, to the whole DeafKidz Goal team for their pivotal role in realising this transformative project and their commitment to supporting deaf youth in Nagpur. A huge thank you also to Comic Relief for their generous funding, without which this project would not have been possible.

Deaf youth leaders applauding at the dissemination event

Urgent Laptop appeal for our DeafKidz Defenders Programme

Join us in making a difference for deaf children in Zambia and South Africa through the DeafKidz Defenders programme. If you are an individual or a business with old laptops and you are not sure what to do with them, we want to hear from you!

About our DeafKidz Defenders Programme

Children enjoying playing the DeafKidz Defenders Game

Children enjoying playing the DeafKidz Defenders Game

Deaf children are three times more likely to be abused and exploited than hearing children. With global internet access on the rise, victims of online abuse and exploitation are also on the rise. Despite the higher risks deaf children face, there is a significant lack of safeguarding resources specifically to educate deaf children and teachers. Thanks to funding from The Global Partnership to End Violence, in 2022 we developed DeafKidz Defenders, an interactive and accessible digital platform designed to educate young deaf children on how to stay safe online.

This educational resource covers 7 visual games covering topics including trusted adults; saying stop; keeping secrets; private body parts; cyber bullying; Indecent pictures and online grooming. The games build a foundation of skills and reinforce the concepts, focusing on staying safe online. DeafKidz Defenders is a resource for schools and comes with lesson plans for teachers.

Our pilot across 10 schools in Pakistan and South Africa (teaching 620 children aged 5-17) found a significant increase in children’s knowledge on how to stay safe online and found that DK Defenders can equip teachers and parents to better protect their children. Following the DeafKidz Defenders sessions, deaf children were 7 times more likely to recognise abuse and remember to Say Stop and Tell a Trusted Adult.

Find out more about DeafKidz Defenders

Why we need your laptops

After the success of the pilot, we are now rolling out DeafKidz Defenders in more schools across South Africa and Zambia, however many of the schools have low resources and in need of laptops to use this gaming platform.

To sustain and expand our impact, we’re seeking donations of old laptops or ones you no longer use. If you have any laptops gathering dust or if your workplace has a surplus, consider giving them a second life by contributing to our cause.

The process is simple – we’ll wipe the laptops, install the engaging DeafKidz Defenders resource, and deliver them to the schools where we’re actively teaching. These laptops won’t be fleeting gifts; they’ll become integral tools for years to come, fostering an environment where deaf children can learn and are empowered to stay safe online.

Our reliance on laptops is paramount to the success of these programs, and your contribution could be the key to unlocking a world of possibilities for these children. Every laptop you donate helps us bridge the digital gap and empower deaf students through interactive education.

Ready to be a part of this meaningful journey? If you are an individual or a business with laptops looking for a new home, reach out to us at or +44 7305 433 250 to donate your laptops and be a catalyst for positive change. Together, let’s create a future where every deaf child has the tools they need to stay safe and thrive!

Students from Zambia University College of Technology who generously lent us laptops for training teachers in the initial stages of our program rollout

Students from Zambia University College of Technology who generously lent us laptops for training teachers in the initial stages of our program rollout

A Night of Celebration: Recap of the Grand Gala Hosted by Talking Hands for DeafKidz International

Global ambassador Tasha Ghouri and her Partner Andrew Le Page drawing the raffle for our lucky winners.

Global ambassador Tasha Ghouri and her Partner Andrew Le Page drawing the raffle for our lucky winners.

On Saturday 16th September 2023, to kick off International Week of Deaf People (18th – 24th September 2023), The Grand Hotel Brighton played host to an unforgettable evening, the Grand Gala, organised by Talking Hands CafĂ©, Hassocks, in support of DeafKidz International. We were thrilled to be joined by our Global Ambassadors SignKid, Tasha Ghouri and Rachel Shenton – the night was a harmonious blend of charity, art, and entertainment, leaving attendees with cherished memories and raising funds for our global programmes.

The excitement kicked off with a warm welcome from our MC for the night, Craig Crowley MBE, CEO of Action Deafness, Chair of the BSL Advisory Board and DeafKidz Internationals’ newest Trustee. After speeches from our Founder and Chair, Steve Crump OBE and Caroline Palmer, Executive Director of Talking Hands, guests were encouraged to support DeafKidz and support our raffle and Silent Art Auction at the gala.

The raffle featured an array of prizes generously donated by local businesses and individuals. The thrill peaked as Tasha Ghouri, and her partner Andrew Le Page, drew tickets, allowing lucky winners to choose their coveted prizes.

Our wonderful guests excited for the evening, listening to the welcome from Craig Crowley.

Our wonderful guests excited for the evening, listening to the welcome from Craig Crowley.

Adding an artistic touch, the silent auction on the night highlighted the talent of deaf artists Vicky Barber-Crimes, Emma Davis, Zoe Milner, Alison France, Amanda Gilbert, Diana Terry, Sam Perkins, and Alice McCann. Some graciously contributed 50% of winning bids, while others, in an exceptional gesture, donated 100% of art bids to DeafKidz International. The gala attendees enthusiastically participated, leaving with unique pieces of art that will forever carry the spirit of the gala.

Following a delicious 2-course meal prepared by The Grand Kitchen, the spotlight turned to the entertainment segment of the night. Rock Choir set the tone with spirited renditions of classic party songs, bringing both melody and sign language into harmony with a fantastic performance from the Hands that Sign.

The stage then welcomed the remarkable SignKid, another DeafKidz International Global Ambassador, whose heartfelt rap lyrics captivated the audience. The culmination of his performance saw the entire room on their feet, signing along to his final song—an electrifying moment of unity.

DJ Jeffo took the reins for the night’s grand finale, turning the gala into a dance floor extravaganza. Attendees danced the night away, celebrating the success of a night dedicated to DeafKidz International.

In the end, the Talking Hands Grand Gala proved that when the community comes together, magic happens, and the impact can be profound.

Global ambassador SignKid getting guests on their feet to join in with his final song

Global ambassador SignKid getting guests on their feet to join in with his final song


Heartfelt gratitude goes out to the attendees whose generosity fuelled the success of the night, contributing to the raffle, silent auction, and spontaneous donations. Special thanks are extended to MC Craig Crawley, and global ambassadors Tasha Ghouri, Rachel Shenton, and SignKid. The unwavering support of Talking Heads café, particularly Caroline and Emma, added a special touch to the evening.

A special thank you to our sponsors: Castle Snooker and Sports Bar, Desbrusiais Chartered Surveyors, Signature and VW Kampers. And to those who donated tables FIS, Ian Harris and Dave Morgan. Many thanks to those who raffle prizes and the invaluable support of our interpreters – Ben, Yolanda, Neil, Catherine and Jess – bridging connections through their skilful hands.

Our lovely guests getting their boogie on

Our lovely guests getting their boogie on

If you’re interested in organising a fundraising event for DeafKidz International, please get in touch with us here

‘Name Me Lawand’ Special Film Screening & Q&A with our Founder “The Volunteer”

This year saw the release of ‘Name Me Lawand’, a film which follows a young deaf boy, Lawand, who is on a quest to discover a world where there are people who will understand him. A true story, this film tells all in a way never seen before.

What started as a small DeafKidz International team working on behalf of Save the Children in 2016 has now become a touching, coming of age story.

In February 2016, DeafKidz were working on behalf of Save the Children to establish the experience of deaf children affected by the European refugee crisis. Children were displaced from their homes in Syria, Iraq, and Kurdistan due to conflict and persecution, fleeing from terror. One of the dedicated volunteers ‘Pom Pom Peter’ at the temporary Dunkirk refugee camp led the DeafKidz team to Lawand. At the time he was six years old, deaf, and frightened. This was where Lawand met Steve Crump for the first time, another deaf man and introduced to the world of sign language.

The events that then followed have been immortalised in this incredible film A dangerous night journey to England, getting a place at the Royal School for the Deaf in Derby, and an insurmountable struggle to avoid being deported – something that became a whole DeafKidz team effort.

The film sensitively documents Lawand and his family’s story as they explore a new common language and fight to stay in a community that has welcomed them. Directed by Edward Lovelace, who spent four years with Lawand and his family in order to make the film. Ed immersed himself in the world of the deaf and learnt BSL. This powerful story shines a light on the importance of community and the power of finding your voice.

Steve Crump shared
 ‘What stands out for DeafKidz International is that Lawand is representative of a generation of deaf children that have regretfully experienced the horrors of conflict in the Middle East and, today in countries like Ukraine, where we know deaf children are being traumatised by a war that is not theirs. Without access to communication, war is doubly horrific. Until the premiere of this movie at the BFI, I hadn’t seen Lawand since Dunkirk, but seeing his story on screen told me one thing. If we managed to make a difference to just one deaf kid, then this just about does it. Now for the rest’.

‘The Volunteer’ seen in the film is based on none other than our Founder Steve.

On 13th September 2023, we hosted an exclusive screening of “Name Me Lawand” with our friends at Chelsea and Westminster MediCinema.

It was a memorable evening with the film’s director, Edward Lovelace, and producer Fleur Nieddu, and our Founder Steve Crump (the ‘Volunteer”) who engaged in an insightful Q&A session led by DKI’s Honorary President, Rt. Hon. Lord Bruce.

The Q&A was a unique chance for our guests to delve into the documentary’s creation and the significance of bringing the deaf experience to the big screen.

We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to Chelsea and Westminster MediCinema for generously hosting this event.

Name me Lawand was released by BFI on the 7th of July 2023 and now available for viewing on the BFI website.

Watch now


MediCinema improves the wellbeing and quality of life of NHS patients and their families through the power of the shared cinema experience and the magic of film. We create and operate cinemas inside hospitals, specially designed to accommodate beds, wheelchairs and medical equipment and we screen the latest films completely free of charge. Using this unique approach our cinema-based health programmes boost patient resilience, improving the emotional and physical impact of being in hospital. Find out more:

Worthing Vs Man United Legends Football Match raises ÂŁ26k for DeafKidz!

We are thrilled to share that our Manchester United legends vs Worthing legends football match on Sunday the 26th March 2023 raised an amazing ÂŁ26,000!

We are overwhelmed with the success of the event and want to say a massive thank you to everyone that made the day possible. The rain didn’t dampen the incredible atmosphere at Woodside Stadium, with thousands cheering the legends at this sold out event. It was a fantastic match, with the Man United Legends winning 5-2 to the Worthing Legends. The money raised from the ticket sales and the VIP reception following the match, was a total of £26,432. This will make a huge difference to our small charity, and support our vital work responding to the safeguarding and protection of deaf children and young people worldwide.

We are incredibly grateful to Worthing Football Club for hosting the event and to all the fantastic Legends from Sussex and Manchester United who took part in the match.

The event wouldn’t have been possible without our incredible event sponsors – thank you to Alitam Group, XRAI Glass and Healys. A big thank you to the Mascots from the East Sussex Deaf Children Society and to PinnacleUK who kindly sponsored the mascot T-shirts. Special thanks to our friend John Price for all his hard work putting this event together.

Job Vacancies

There are no vacancies at DeafKidz International at this time

DeafKidz Defenders

DeafKidz Defenders is an interactive and accessible digital platform designed to educate young deaf children on how to stay safe online.

Why it’s necessary

Deaf children are three times more likely to be abused and exploited than hearing children. With global internet access on the rise, victims of online abuse and exploitation will rise as well. After extensive research, we found that there was a lack of safeguarding resources specifically for deaf children.

We want to empower deaf children, giving them confidence to keep safe. That means not engaging with something if it makes them feel uncomfortable, saying no, and seeking help. DeafKidz Defenders is our way of making it fun, interactive and inclusive.

How DeafKidz Defenders Works

We created a platform with seven themed games. These use body language, gestures and facial expressions to convey in a visual, non-auditory way.

The themed games are:

  • Trusted adults
  • Saying stop
  • Keeping secrets
  • Private body parts
  • Cyber bullying
  • Indecent pictures and videos
  • Online grooming

As well as being fun, the games build a foundation of skills and reinforce the concepts, focusing on staying safe online. The materials are intended for use in schools, and come with a guide for teachers which includes lessons plans to accompany the online information.

How DeafKidz Defenders started

We were able to develop this ground-breaking, first-of-its-kind resource thanks to a funding award from the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children.

We developed the resources with expert support from child protection officers, digital specialists and deaf teachers. And in 2022, we piloted the programme in South Africa and Pakistan, with great results and feedback!

Watch our video about the Pakistan pilot

Watch our video about the South Africa pilot

“I have played a lot of games online, but they were confusing as they were for hearing people. With DK Defenders, I feel safe and prepared to deal with any challenge. I will protect my sister and friends also and teach them!”

“Introducing games to support education for deaf children was a masterstroke!

Where DeafKidz Defenders can be used

DeafKidz Defenders is suitable for use in schools worldwide, including in countries with limited internet bandwidth. It’s currently available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese, and soon to be in Urdu, Hindi and Arabic.

DK Defenders has received a fantastic response so far from the children, schools and parents who have used it in South Africa and Pakistan. Knowing that Defenders has helped to improve deaf children’s understanding, confidence, belonging and engagement reinforces the success and importance of this resource!

Take part or find out more

Want to find out more? Get in touch, we would love to speak with you.

DeafKidz International, Oak Foundation and End Violence Against Children logos

DeafKidz International – A match of legends

DeafKidz International have teamed up with Worthing FC and Manchester United to bring an exciting, not to be missed, football match.

2023 marks 10 years of DeafKidz International. To kick off the celebrations and this amazing milestone, Worthing FC are hosting a match of legends.

On Sunday 26th March 2023, Manchester United legends and Worthing FC Legends will go head-to-head in this one-off football game. Hosted by Worthing FC at the Crucial Environmental Stadium. Tickets are on sale now. All proceeds go to DeafKidz International. Follow the link to purchase your tickets today.

General Entry Tickets
Family ticket
(2x adults, 2x children)
VIP tickets

A limited number of VIP tickets are available for ÂŁ100. This VIP Package includes the following:

  • Exclusive pre match welcome drink & canapĂ©s with Man Utd Legends in attendance
  • Post match meet and greet with both sets of legends
  • Q&A session with Man Utd legends
  • Auction for some exclusive Man Utd items
  • Opportunity for Photos/Autographs
  • Buffet Food

All VIP activities will take place at Worthing Pavilion Bowls Club, next to Worthing FC and the money raised will go to DeafKidz International.

We are extremely excited about this event, it’ll be a great day out for all the family as well as raising money for a fantastic Over the coming weeks, keep an eye out on our social media for the latest announcements on players and further details about the event.

All players listed are available and have agreed to play at the time of posting. Any changes to the squad and updates will be made prior to the event (dependent on changes to circumstances such as injury outside of our control) For any other event related information please contact

About DeafKidz International

DeafKidz International has been changing the lives of deaf children and young people around the world for the last 10 years. 2023 marks our tenth anniversary and we want to celebrate in style, increasing awareness of the work we do and continuing to campaign for the protection and safeguarding of deaf children.

We fight for the protection, health, wellbeing and access to education for deaf children around the globe. Deaf children deserve to live safely and without fear of abuse and exploitation. Yet a deaf child is three times more likely to be abused than a hearing child. Our work is crucial. Holding events like this football match helps spread awareness and raise crucial funds.

Sport connects people across the world, and we work with partners worldwide to improve deaf equality and inclusion. This charity match between Manchester United legends and Worthing FC legends is an event not to be missed.

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Get your tickets now to avoid disappointment

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Event Questions

For event questions contact Worthing FC

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About DeafKidz

Merry Christmas from DeafKidz International!

Video transcript:

Good morning everyone, first of all I’d like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas!

I’d like to take a moment this morning to recognise the incredible work of the team at DeafKidz International. They’ve done some truly fantastic stuff in 2022 to empower deaf children and young adults across the world, and I just wanted to highlight a few of these today.

DeafKidz have continued our mission to promote the protection, health, wellbeing and access to education needs of deaf children, young people and adults worldwide. We’ve achieved this through our global projects, including increasing access to ear and hearing care services in hospital and clinics in Malawi, continuing our Signing Safe Futures project in Jamaica, and launching our December Dip fundraiser here in the UK!

DeafKidz International continues to strive for a world where deaf children are safe from abuse, respected, and able to achieve their full potential. We are dedicated to providing deaf children with the tools and resources they need to lead meaningful and successful lives and we’ll continue with this mission in 2023. Thank you all for your continued support.

Stay Informed

Sign up to receive a quarterly e-newsletter with updates on DeafKidz International's work responding to the protection, health, education and wellbeing needs of deaf children, young people and vulnerable adults in low resource and complex humanitarian settings.

As part of our e-newsletter, we will update you on the impact of our projects as well as fundraising and volunteering opportunities.

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Graphic of an envelope with paper, the paper has the DeafKidz International logo printed on it