Launch of DeafKidz Defenders
We are thrilled to have launched DeafKidz Defenders: an early intervention, digital resource empowering deaf children to stay safe online.
Over the past 2 years, thanks to funding from The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children Safe Online programme we have been developing DeafKidz Defenders, an early intervention, interactive, accessible digital platform to help young deaf children stay safe from online abuse and exploitation.
DeafKidz Defenders Dissemination Event
On 23rd November 2022 we were thrilled to reveal key findings from our pilot evaluation to key stakeholders and funders at our dissemination event in London.
A huge thank you to everyone who attended our event. It was an incredible afternoon of insightful presentations, sharing the positive findings of our pilot evaluation in South Africa & Pakistan and important discussions surrounding this innovative educational resource. Guest speakers at our event included our Global Ambassador, Colin Allen AM, Dr Howard Lake, Executive Director of the Global Partnership to End Violence, Jess Lishak from We Protect Global Alliance, Elizabeth Thomas, Debra Clelland, Thrive South Africa & Sarah Shaikh, Deaf Reach Pakistan. Thank you also to Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP for generously hosting the event in their London offices.
Please read our Summary Evaluation report, watch the event recording or read more about DeafKidz Defenders below, including videos from the schools in Pakistan and South Africa where we piloted this resource.
Photos from the event
View the event
If you would like to watch a recording of the dissemination event (includes British Sign Language Interpretation) please contact us using the form below.
Why DeafKidz Defenders?
One in three internet users worldwide is a child. As global access to the internet increases, this in turn brings rise to online abuse and exploitation. Deaf children are at least three times more likely to be abused than hearing children. At any one time, 750,000 individuals are estimated to be looking to connect with children for sexual purposes.
DeafKidz Defenders is an innovative educational resource, architected by our Senior Programme Lead, Jaz Mann. This brings together visual animations, interactive training games, reinforcing activities & scenarios. DeafKidz Defenders also includes curriculum and lesson plans, equipping teaching staff with a resource tailored for educating deaf children, reducing their risk of online abuse and exploitation.
This educational resource will teach deaf children a range of skills including:
- How to protect themselves from online and face-to-face abuse
- Learning what a risk situation might look like
- Learning what’s appropriate and inappropriate in different situations
- Building a foundation of increased knowledge and awareness
This ground-breaking resource will reduce deaf children’s vulnerability to abuse and exploitation while also promoting their resilience and self-advocacy. This digital solution is the first of its kind and delivers huge progress in the fight to keep deaf children safe.
Pilot testing in South Africa and Pakistan
In 2022 we piloted our DeafKidz Defenders resource in a school-based model in South Africa and Pakistan via our local implementing partners, Thrive and Deaf Reach. Through this pilot we reached 600 deaf children, collecting vital data on their increased knowledge and understanding of keeping safe.
We’re delighted to say the DeafKidz Defenders pilot was a huge success and a smash hit with deaf children, parents, and schools alike!
Watch our video about the Pakistan pilot
Watch our video about the South Africa pilot
Quotes below from pilot testing
“Introducing games to support education for deaf children was a masterstroke!“
“I have played a lot of games online, but they were confusing as they were for hearing people. With DK Defenders, I feel safe and prepared to deal with any challenge. I will protect my sister and friends also and teach them!”
“When we learnt about the DK Defenders, I was amazed at the dignified manner in which the subject was presented to adolescent children…The DK Defenders was an eye opener and spoke directly about why we need to educate and inform our children.”
Photos of school children testing the DeafKidz Defenders Games in South Africa and Pakistan
Watch this space for more news of next steps and the expansion of DeafKidz Defenders in new regions and schools across the world. If you’re interested in partnering with us or want to learn more about this programmes please contact us on
Together we will ensure deaf children can live safely without fear of abuse and exploitation, and that no deaf child is left behind.